Friday, 31 August 2018

What Can We Can Expect At The Apple Launch 2018

We are so excited about the Apple Launch that we decided to compile all the reasonable leaks and hacks about the iPhone in 2018 in our blog. 
Take a look at what all we can expect from Apple in our blog:

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Best Smartphone Repair Services in Illinois by MyGadgetWorks

If you have a smartphone at it has an issue then there is only one place to get it repaired. The best phone repair store in Illinois! We have all the spares in stock which ensures that we have the shortest turnaround time and offer top quality original parts. Take a look at our blog for more information:

Apple Is Going To Change The Way You Charge Your Phone

Apple is looking at updating the lighting port if rumors are to be believed the lighting port will be designed to be more resistant to water. Could this mean that the future iPhones could be waterproof? Take a look at our blog for more information: